Munch with Music October 2023 John Woodhouse
John demonstrated the width of his repertoire, with pieces reflecting the RAF, the Proms and the sacred. We have excerpts in the video of some of these.
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Tickets £15 per person, pizza or pasta included in the price. Teams up to a maximum of 6 people.
All profits going to St. John’s Church.
Please let us know the number of tickets you'd like, whether you’d like pizza or pasta to eat, and of any allergies or dietary requirements.
Date: Friday 27th October 2023, time: 7pm
Place: St. John’s Church Hall, Clareville Road, Caterham, CR3 6LA (church postcode)
Park: In the local roads - Morrisons closes the car park shortly after the store closes at 9pm.
Please bring with you something to drink - alcoholic or non-alcoholic and your own glasses & cutlery, plus money for the Raffle.
Looking forward to a very enjoyable evening!
Please note, no information supplied for the administration of this quiz will be kept beyond 31 December 2023.
Come along to Green Club, St John's Youth group for fun, green activities and community projects. Open to 11 to 15 year olds, we meet once a month.
For October's meeting (Sunday 8th October) we will meet at 11.15am outside St John's to walk up to the woods, throw a frisbee around and chat. Our new Vicar Jaimee is able to join us to get to know our young people a bit. No previous frisbee skills necessary!
We will be supporting the Caterham Foodbank and Welcare at our service on 24 September.
If this can be in monetary form, that would be ideal, with cheques or money in a sealed envelope showing which charity it is to go to. Non-
perishable foods will still be accepted as these can be taken to the Foodbank on the Thursday when they are open.
There will be a Harvest Lunch to follow in the Church Hall. No information yet.
Download the Word version of the St John's Heritage Open Days poster.
Download the Word version of the St John's Heritage Open Days programme.
The Church is opening as part of the Heritage Open Days on the above dates. “Creativity Unwrapped” is the national theme for this year’s HODs, and we are delighted that so many local community groups are coming to either set up a stall to display who they are and what they do; run craft sessions for people to do or do a performance. There is also a Tower Tour on all 3 days.
The following groups will have a stall set up around the church:
The Mothers’ Union will be running refreshments throughout the weekend.
Opening Times:
Friday 15th: 10am - 5pm
Saturday 16th: 10am – 4pm
Sunday 17th: 10am –4pm (There is a service for the 1st hour)
Organiser of St. John’s HODs
The Surrey Churches Preservation Trust runs the Ride & Stride (on bikes or walking) on the second Saturday of September (Saturday 9th September 2023) each year to raise money for both the Trust and for participating churches, with half the money raised going to each.
Raising money is ever more important as repairs to churches rather came to a halt during the pandemic but the need has not gone away.
It is open to everyone to take part, whether church-goers or not, bikers, hikers and other visitors, whether by car, mobility scooter or horse.
Our riders and striders will need sponsorship for their efforts and Julie Woodland is going to take part. If you would like to sponsor her, please complete the Sponsorship Form which Julie has or there’s one at the back of the church.
Would more people like to take part – a great way to walk the dog ? If so, please use our contact form to get the details.
Do have a great day out!
Julie Woodland, our church organiser