Covid19 Restrictions
Covid19 restrictions in church
Covid19 restrictions are still in place - here's a reminder of what the current requiremnts are.
- When arriving at church please remember to sanitise and then check in, using either the NHS app or by signing the sheet.
- Adhere to the clearly marked one-way system in church. Don't - for example - go to light a candle up the side aisle as you're going the wrong way.
- Wear a mask covering your face and nose all the time you are inside the building - this is a legally enforceable requirement. The only legal exceptions are for people with a bona fide medical requirement for not wearing a mask, or for those involved in leading worship.
- Maintain social distancing at all times. This means sitting in the clearly marked places. The rules were relaxed on May 17th so that you may now sit in a group of up to six people, but the two-metre distancing must be adhered to between groups. You can't change groups while at church - it should be a group you arrive and leave with.
- At the end of the service please leave as quickly as possible.
- Remember to sanitise as you leave. Please do not gather at the back of church as it makes it impossible for people to leave while keeping to the social distancing requirements.