
Game of Chance 2024 - report

Flora and Jaimee at the Lolly Game in hurch Walk.
What chance did the other charities have (including our friends 3rd Caterham St John's Scouts) when our idea for fund raising had 'em licked.
Our pitch this year was right down the car park end, next to the Photo-Me machine, which was quite flashy. Flora and Jaimee demonstrated the fundamentals of the lolly game and were rewarded with ... lollies.
A very late winner took one of the teddies home, the other teddy seemed sad to me, having featured not only this year, but last as well. Maybe next year.
Big thanks to Julie who organised, and to all the volunteers who got lolly for lollies.

Munch with Music - December 2024

Munch with Music December 2024 poster, 4 December 2024, 12:15pm.

The next Munch with Music will be held in the church on 4th December 2024 featuring Music from Trinity School.

You are invited to bring your own ‘Munch’.

Admission is free, donations are welcome.

Coffee, tea and biscuits from 12:15pm, with the performance starting at 12:45pm and lasting about 45 minutes.

The following Munch will be on 5th February 2025, with Christopher Sayles on piano.

Advent Compline 2024

Candles set in a wreath.

Jaimee wiil be leading Compline (Night Prayer), each Tuesday at 6pm in the Church during Advent (3rd, 10th and 17th December).
It will be a service of quietness and reflection.

Christmas is coming! Singers and instrumentalists wanted

Carol singers

Christmas is coming! Singers and instrumentalists wanted to sing carols in the centre of Caterham Valley shopping centre Sat Dec 7 at 2 and 3 p.m. finishing by 4 p.m.

Contact johnwoodhousecat(at)

Also for our festival of Nine lessons and carols at St John the Evangelist Clareville Road Caterham Valley at 7.30 p.m. on Thursday Dec 19.

Rehearsals start after service on Nov 17 (not Dec 😎).

Game of Chance 2024

Vicar with Rosie their dog in Church Walk.

On Saturday 30th November, St. John’s Church will be joining other charities in Church Walk to run a Game of Chance, 11am to 4pm.

We will be doing the same as last year - lollies in a table. Everyone keeps their lolly, but if it has a coloured stick then they win a prize as well.

Later that day, the Christmas Lights will be switched on.

Christmas Fair

Christmas Fair, 16 November 2024, starts 10am.

St John's Church Caterham
Christmas Fair
16 November 2024

10am until 2pm in the Church (Clareville Road).

Free entry!

Father Christmas will be visiting to spread seasonal good cheer.

Music on the piano and the organ. From 10.30am onwards a chance to have a go yourself!

12:30pm a tower tour* (£2 charge, £1 for 16 and under).
Learn a little about the art of bellringing
Watch a demonstration of bells being rung
Climb to the bell chamber to see the bells and hear one
An opportunity to ring yourself (under supervision), grab that photo and video!

Stalls Include: Refreshments, Light Lunches (from 12 noon), Raffle, Gifts, Cakes, Cards, Books, Games and Toys, Make and Take.


*Access to the tour is through a spiral staircase that sadly is not accessible to all.

Remembrance Sunday 2024

A poppy.

We warmly welcome everyone to our Remembrance Sunday service, led by Revd. Jaimee Summers.

With Paul Miller on trumpet.

Elgar's "Nimrod" with Binyon's poem "For the fallen".
Anthem "Pie Jesu" by Gabriel Faure.
Organ "Solemn melody" Walford Davies.

Wreaths will be laid in the Memorial Chapel to remember those lost in wartime.

Munch with Music - November 2024

Munch with Music, November 2024, 6th at 12:pm at St John's Church.

The next Munch with Music will be held in the church on 6th November 2024 featuring Hanna Wozniak on flute and Daniel King Smith on piano.

You are invited to bring your own ‘Munch’.

Admission is free, donations are welcome.

Coffee, tea and biscuits from 12:15pm, with the performance starting at 12:45pm and lasting about 45 minutes.

The following Munch will be on 4th December 2024, with Musicians from Trinity School, Croydon.

A Service of Loss and Hope

Service of loss and hope - 3pm in church 3rd November 2024.

Sunday 3rd November, 3pm.
St John’s Church
Caterham Valley
Clareville Road

A chance to come and light a candle, listen to music, pray and remember loved ones who are no longer with us.

If you would like a name added to the list of those we will be remembering during the service, please email

Giving Carers a Voice

Giving Carers a Voice, Monday 4 November, 2pm St John's Church Hall.

On: Monday November 4th from 2 – 4pm

Lisa Roberts, a Project and Involvement Manager from Luminus will be coming along to talk briefly about what support carers can access and direct them to the right help.

If you or anyone you know is a carer for a friend or relative, please encourage them to come along.

She has had years of experience working in the care environment and has experience of being a carer herself. She has suggested that prior to the 4th November carers should register free with Action for Carers.

We will still be serving tea/coffee & cake for £3.00 for 2.

Please do try to come along, she will also be handing out/leaving leaflets etc.

St. John’s Church Hall
Clareville Road

For more information, please email us at:

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