
Hear Here Clinic

A free service for people with NHS hearing aids includes:   Basic maintenance - Battery supply - Cleaning and Re-tubing - Trouble-shooting - Advice   Please do come along if you need advice, support, maintenance or batteries for your NHS hearing aid.

A clinic will be held on 4 January 2024. It's a free service for people with NHS hearing aids includes:
Basic maintenance - Battery supply - Cleaning and Re-tubing - Trouble-shooting - Advice
Please do come along if you need advice, support, maintenance or batteries for your NHS hearing aid.

To be held at:

Westway Centre
25 Chaldon Road
Caterham Surrey

Christmas Services at St John's 2023

Composite image representing Doughnut Christingle Service, Midnight Mass and Informal Christmas Day Eucharist

You are very welcome to join us over Christmas at St John's in the Valley!

  • 24th - 4pm Doughnut Christingle Service
  • 24th - 11.30pm Midnight Mass
  • 25th - 10am Informal Christmas Day Eucharist

Merry Christmas

The cattle are lowing

Nativity scene.
The cattle are lowing.

The baby it awaits.


Decorated Christmas tree in St John's.
You're on light duties' I was told, which I completely misinterpreted. Instead of putting my feet up, I was required to hang lights, affix baubles and generally liaise with the expert team obviously on loan from London's west end 😉
Actually what really happened was while the three pictured did the hard work, I stood around on 'media' duties, hung the lights wrong, moved the tree about six inches and attached about three baubles.
The result, however, speaks for itself and I hope you'll be visiting over the Christmas period to see for yourself!

Munch with Music - December 2023

Munch with Music poster for December 2023.

The next Munch with Music will be held in the church on 6th December 2023 featuring Charlotte Jane Kennedy, soprano, and Frasier Hickland on the piano.

You are invited to bring your own ‘Munch’.

Admission is free, donations are welcome.

Coffee, tea and biscuits from 12:15pm, with the performance starting at 12:45pm and lasting about 45 minutes.

The following Munch will be on 7th February 2024, with Chamber Music Ensembles from Caterham School.

Toy Service

Generic image of a toy service.

We are, as a church, contributing to the collection of toys for local children and teens whose families can't afford to get them Christmas presents. Some are Ukrainian refugees.

The scheme is headed by Councillor Annette Evans, who will be coming to talk to us about it on 3rd December.

Christmas Market 2023

Caterham Christmas market poster.

St John's is in Church Walk with a Game of Chance from 11am to 5pm, drop by and try your luck!

Red Riding Hood - 26 November 2023

Red Riding Hood production poster.

Saltmine Theatre Company have been bringing professional, high quality productions of much loved Christmas shows to Caterham for many years. Re-written to reflect a Christian message and set of values, these have been very popular.

A re-telling of this classic show Red Riding Hood, by Saltmine Theatre Company, reflecting Christian values at 5pm Sunday, 26th November at Oasis Academy Couldson.

Tickets £10 adult, £5 concessions and £25 family (2 adults and 2 children). Suitable for all the family from aged 5 upwards. For more information and to book tickets please go to the production web site.

BARN DANCE with the Odd Sock Do Dum Band

Image of COAT barn dance flyer.

The Barn Dance is in aid of Caterham Overseas Aid Trust (Registered Charity No. 283579).

Saturday 25th November 2023
7.30 -10.30pm.
Centenary Hall, Essendene Road, Caterham CR3 5PA
(Church of the Sacred Heart)

Cost £15
To include sausage (or vegetarian alternative) and chip supper and desserts.

Bar and raffle available.

For tickets and to confirm food order please contact

St John's Caterham Christmas Fair

St John's Caterham Christmas Fair, Church Hall, 10am to 2pm, 18 November 2023.

In the Church Hall, Clareville Road, Caterham

Free entry

Stalls Include:
Lunches (from 12 noon)
Games and Toys
Make and Take

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