
Electoral Roll

In preparation for our Annual Parochial Church Meeting our Electoral Roll is due for revision.

The current Electoral Roll details are displayed on the notice board at the back of the Church. If your address has changed in the last year, please let Bessy Smythe (Electoral Roll Officer) know (contact details shown on current Electoral Roll).

Also, if you are not on the Electoral Roll and would like to be added please contact Bessy for an application form. Forms can also be collected from church, or you can download one here to print at home and complete.:

Church of England Electoral Roll Form

Completed forms can also be sent to the Vicarage.

Please note that the closing date for renewing the roll is Sunday 25th April. Any appication mforms received after that date will be added to nthe Electoral Roll after the Annual Meeting.

National Day of Reflection and Prayer

National Day of Reflection and Prayer

Tuesday 23 March is designated a National Day of Reflection and Prayer.
The nation is invited to pause for one minute at midday on the anniversary of the first lockdown. 

This is the prayer written by the Very Revd Andrew Nunn, Dean of Southwark:

Christ yesterday and today, the beginning and the end,
Alpha and Omega, all time belongs to him, and all ages.

God of all that has been, that is, that is to come
as we reflect on the year that has past,
those we have lost,
those we have missed,
the contact not made,
the hopes dashed,
new things discovered,
new opportunities seized,
new love embraced,
we thank you that you have been with us
and brought us to this day.
Stay with us
as we step into your future
with faith and hope and love
and in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord.

Caterham Foodbank

Many people rely on the support they get from the Caterham Foodbank. During the current somewhat difficult times that support has been particularly important.

The Caterham Foodbank can only offer that support if we support them. Please check the Caterham Foodbank website to learn more about their work and to see how you can help.

Call to the Nation

Call to pray from the Archbishops

Coronavirus: Archbishops invite nation to pause, pray and remember 100,000 people ‘known to God and cherished by God’

"100,000 isn’t just an abstract figure - each number is a person: someone we loved and someone who loved us."

"Death doesn’t have the last word. In God’s kingdom, every tear will be wiped away."

Coronavirus update

Our prayer is to keep each other safe, and so keep ourselves safe at this time.

Renewed Lockdown

We are all aware of the Prime Minister's statement introducing the new lockdown. In particular, we are now being asked not to be outside of our homes except where necessary. This leaves us with a difficult decision as we have had to think about whether we can safely offer public services of worship while remaing safe and keeping within the guidelines.

The Bishop of London, in her statement following the Prime Minister's announcement, writes: 
The Government has chosen not to suspend public worship in England at this time and we will continue to follow the guidance and ensure that churches remain as safe as possible. The Government guidance on the safe use of places of worship makes clear that those attending a place of worship must not mingle with anyone outside their household or support bubble.
However, some may feel that it is currently better not to attend in person, and there will be parishes which decide to offer only digital services for the time-being. Clergy who have concerns, and others who are shielding, should take particular care and stay at home.

Her statement highlights the dilemma that we face - we want to stay open and worshipping together, but we also have to take into account the reality of the current situation and the need for us all to stay apart as much as we can in line with current governnment lockdown rules. The full statement can be read here.

While it is the case that this time the Prime Minister has said that church worship may continue, we have come to the conclusion that given the local high infection rates and the increased current risk from the new variant of Covid19, that in order to ensure everyone's safety it is best to provide online services only until the situation improves. We need to protect the congregation, and while we love to see people in church, at this time we recognise that many of you need to remain at home. It is also the case that at each service we need a number of volunteers in church in order to bring to you the service each Sunday - servers, musicians, welcomers and so on - and we need to make sure we can keep our volunteers safe too. 

So for now we have to say please do not come to church, as we have decided to cease all public worship at Saint John's. The parish mass will continue to be live-streamed each Sunday at 10am, and I hope you will join us each week. . 

I hold you all in my prayers at this time of renewed lockdown.

Love and Prayers, Fr Jerry

Great News

Great news!

We’ve registered with easyfundraising, it’s a great site where you can help St. John's Church - Caterham raise funds simply by doing your everyday online shopping!

Over 4,000 big name retailers are included, such as John Lewis, Uswitch, ASOS, Argos, Expedia, M&S, and BT.

Every time you shop, we receive a small donation to say ‘thank you!’ It’s completely free and over £31M has been raised for causes just like us so far.

We want to raise as much as possible so please sign up and help us at Easyfundraising for St John's

Resuming services

We are pleased to bring you the news that following the end of the lockdown this week that we are allowed back into church for our services.

The first service is on Thursday 3rd at 10am, our usual midweek said mass. Then we are back on Sunday 6th for an all-age mass as we start to get ready for christmas. We'll be thinking about Saint Nicholas, whose feast day it is.

All are welcome to come and join us. The usual restrictions are in place, and we will also be live-streaming the service for those at home.

Remembrance Sunday

This Remembrance Sunday the church will be open for private prayer once we have finished streaming the parish mass (the church must remain closed while we do this by law) - so from about 10.45am. It will remain open until 1pm.

Lockdown Update

Following the government announcement of a new lockdown from November 5th, we have to advise you that sadly there will be no public worship from that date. Until the situation changes, or the guidlines change, all worship will be online.

Harvest Gifts

Harvest donations for local charities.

This year we asked our congregation to donate to two local charities. As a result we have sent

A great result - thank you to everyone who donated!

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